Verified Supplier by neventum

Neventum SL Confidence Guarantee

In Neventum SL we want that our users live the best experience ever, therefore we offer the security of the confidence guarantee policy that gives a coverage up to 10.000€ for fraud cases in the stand construction.

What is the confidence guarantee?

Get an estimate budget through Neventum and hire one of the trustable verified suppliers that send you a quote. If you pay in advance the working materials to the stand builder, and the stand is not needed any more, you can ask the confidence guarantee to Neventum SL up to a maximum total amount of 10.000€.

What requirements are consider to apply for the confidence guarantee?

  • The supplier must be a company recommended directly and personally by Neventum SL after hiring the services.
  • The verified supplier must hold the “verified by neventum” condition at the moment they close and sign the deal, the supplier has to be contacted through the website or through the option to request different professionals, and the customer must prove that the verified supplier sent an official document regarding to the stand estimated price.
  • Before the payment is done, is responsibility of the customer to ask neventum SL if the supplier is a verified supplier, in the fact that is not the case, Neventum will immediately notify the customer by email and such notifications exempts Neventum from any compensation payment.
  • The payments in advance for the material must be done by debit card or wire transfer to the verified supplier account with the concept “payment in advance of materials”.
  • Additional amounts are not covered by this confidence guarantee. Any doubt or discrepancy regarding the amount covered will be solve by Neventum SL criteria, extremely case that is expressly admitted by the customer in order this guarantee;
  • Is necessary to prove that in the first instance there was a reasonable attempt to solve the problem with the stand builder, and with a failure, begin the civil claim and complaint.
  • The contract must be made before the payment in advance regarding the construction materials.
  • The stand construction date must not be later that 30 days after hiring.
  • The non-delivery of materials will not be due to the non-fulfillment of the other payment by the client.

What does the Neventum SL confidence guarantee not cover?

  • In the case that there is another insurance policy, reinsurance or any other compensation or compensation system that covers the economic problems that affect the customer as consequence of the verified supplier delays.
  • In the case that the customer has requested to the bank the refund for the total amount paid with the concept "advancement of materials".
  • In the case that the customer has made the payment to the verified supplier for a different stand construction, work or additional task than the one agreed or requested through the website or the app.
  • In the case that the customer has discrepancy or non-compliance with the quality of the materials purchased by the verified supplier, or in the case of a non-compliant execution by the verified supplier,
  • If the verified supplier delivered the stand but, for any reason, the job wasn't delivered, totally or partially or, as a consequence of the modification or measures in the project, the amounts or quantities of the materials had varied.